Unit 1- Canada’s Relationship to Britain

In the beginning of the 1900’s, Britain ruled over Canada. Even though Canada was a part of the British empire, the British government did not give much attention to the Canada’s mind. Britain made an agreement with the United States of America about the dispute over the Alaskan Boundary and the agreement benefited United States rather than Canada (Cranny & Moles, 2001). Many Canadians were not happy about the decision Britain had made.

Many English speaking Canadians were proud to be a part of the British empire. They were known as imperialists. However, some French-speaking Canadians thought that it would be better if Canada was independent as a country. They were known as nationalists. “…..they saw themselves as Candiens rather than British subjects” (Cranny & Moles, 2001, pg 8).

Language rights was a bitter dispute and it separated the French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians. The French Canadians did not have the right to instruct the French language in many Catholic schools (Cranny & Moles, 2001). Henri Bourassa said that Canadiens do not have a reason to stay in Canada since their rights were not protected. It was time for Confederation.


Alaska Boundary Dispute (2012). The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/alaska-boundary-dispute

Canada Under British Rule (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_under_British_rule_(1763%E2%80%931867)

Cranny, M., Moles, G. (2001). Counter Points: Exploring Canadian Issues, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada

The British Empire

All About Me

My name is Prova Hasan and welcome to my blog! I have just begun my grade 11 year attending Johnston Heights Secondary in Surrey. I am currently 16 years old and I have lived in Canada ever since I was born. My nationality is Bangladesh, which is where my parents grew up. I have one brother and he is the best brother anyone could ever have.

I really enjoy school because I get to see my friends every day. My favourite subject is French because I enjoy learning new languages. Currently, I know how to speak Bengali and obviously English. Additionally, I know a little bit if Hindi because I watch a lot of Bollywood movies. This is how much I enjoy learning new languages! My least favourite subject is science because there is a lot of memorization and understanding.

In my spare time, I enjoy sewing. The class is extremely fun because I get to make any design I want. Also, it also helps me forget about all the stress. To stay healthy, I go for jogs frequently. It is hard to go for a jog daily but I did get used to it after a month. Just listening to music while jogging passes the time fast. Without music, there would be no other way to be active for me. Well this is all about me. There is more to come about my socials studies 11 experience