Unit 1 -War Measures Act

The war measures act gave a lot of power towards the government before WWI. The War Measures act was that Germans, Austrians, and Hungarians (known as enemy aliens during the time) living as a citizen/resident in Canada could be arrested or searched for in Canada (Falk, 2006).  This act was to protect Canada from these groups during the world war.

Although this act was to protect Canada, it also was an embarrassment to Canada. These enemy aliens were not treated equally as the Canadians. Some were sent to internment camps. Many were even locked up and fired from their jobs. They had no freedom because Canadians feared they would be sabotaged, and were suspicious of spies from other countries since Canada was at war with their countries (Falk, 2006). Additionally, books and magazines were banned in enemy languages (Falk, 2006).

The NSA’s domestic spying program is a surveillance program enforced by George W. Bush. It is really similar to  the war measures act in many ways. They both invade people’s privacy in America. Additionally, they both keep a close eye on different ethnic groups. I do not agree with the NSA because peoples information should be private and the NSA should not have the right to look through it.


Nermo, H. (2013). Social Studies 11. Retrieved from http://jhss11haileynermo.wordpress.com/

Falk, J. (2006). Social Studies Eleven Studen Workbook: Second Edition, Hazelmere Publishing

NSA Spying on Americans. (2013). Electronic Frontier Foundation. Retreived from https://www.eff.org/nsa-spying/how-it-works

File:National Security Agency.svg

National Security Agency logo


National Security Agency. (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:National_Security_Agency.svg

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